Velma has harboured a passion for the Hospitality sector since her early years. Initially sparked by an Accommodation and Hospitality course during her schooling, she devoted her afternoons to volunteering in the kitchen of a local vegetarian restaurant. Following this, she served in the United States Air Force while stationed in Italy and Japan. Upon leaving the service, Velma embarked on a decade-long tenure with the Department of Defense Schools, where she served as an Office Automation Assistant, becoming the cornerstone of the schools she worked in, attending to the needs of students, military members and their spouses, teachers, and Principals alike.
Relocating to England in 2019 to join her husband Gary, Velma found a new professional venture with the National Rifle Association UK. Initially starting as a Range Controller in the Range Office, she later transitioned into the role of Accommodation and Hospitality Manager. In this capacity, she leads a small team of Housekeepers and an Accommodation and Hospitality Assistant, ensuring that guests at Bisley feel comfortable and welcomed.
Outside of work, Velma cherishes her time with her husband and their three dogs. She finds solace in nature through leisurely walks with her beloved pets, indulges in traveling to various destinations, and enjoys tending to her garden.